Một Cụm động từ (Phrasal verb) thông dụng có chứa động từ Come và Go


Come in:

  • Come in handy = be useful

(This umbrella will surely come in handy when it rains)

  • To arrive at a place/join a business project or a conversation
  • To finish a race in a particular position

(His horse came in second)

  • (A message) be received

Come on:

  • Come on = be hurry/hurry up (thường dùng để thôi thúc ai đó nhanh lên)
  • To develop or make progress

(How’s your project coming on?)

Come at:

  • Come at someone: to suddenly move towards someone to threaten or attack them

Come to:

  • When an idea or memory comes to someone, they remember or think of it

Come up:

  • Come up with something: invent an idea

(Thomas Edison came up with the idea to use a new material for the coil)

  • Come up to someone: to come towards someone to talk to them

Come out:

  • To be removed from something by washing or rubbing

(These stains on this carpet won’t come out)

  • To be spoken/heard/understood in a particular way

(My words came out as a criticism to them)

Come about: to happen, or start to happen

(Our plan didn’t really come about)

Come into play: become active, operative or effective

(When it comes to severe weather, a lot of climatic factors come into play)

Come off:

  • Be removed/separated from something
  • Take place/happen
  • (a plan) to be successful

(Did your trip to France ever come off?)

Come after someone: to find and catch someone in order to punish or harm them

Come by something: to achieve or obtain something

(You were very lucky to have come by that beautiful painting)

Come over:

  • To visit someone at their place
  • When a feeling come over someone, it affects them strongly

(A sudden anger came over him)

Come away:

  • To leave in a particular state/condition/feeling or emotion

(She came away with a feeling that she might never see him again)

Come across:

  • To find someone/something by chance

(I came across my cousin the other day)

  • To have a leave a particular impression

(He comes across as a generous man)

Come round (around)

  • To recover consciousness

(He finally came round after his coma)

  • Visit someone’s house

Come through

  • Succeed in dealing with an illness or an ordeal

(I managed to come through in dealing with my financial difficulties)

  • (a project) be brought to completion

(Our group assignment never really came through)


Go to great (any) lengths: try very hard for something

(He will go to any lengths to retain his position)

Go up:

  • A building/structure: be built
  • Explode or burst into plames suddenly

(Our car went up in flames during the accident)

Go off:

  • Happen/start (an explosion, alarm,…)
  • To leave; depart

Go down = deteriorate: get worse in quality

Go over to: crossing/moving from one side to another of a room, city, town…

Go round (around):

  • Visit someone/somewhere which is near
  • Be enough for everyone to have

(That cake is kind of small, will it go round? = Will it be enough for everyone in the room to have a piece?)

Go through:

  • Undergo a difficult situation/period
  • Search/examine something methodically

(He went through the bookshelf looking for his files)

  • A proposal/contract: be officially approved

Go on:

  • Go on with doing something: continue to do something

(After the 5-minute break, we went on with our project = we paused working for 5 minutes then continue with the same job)

  • Go on to do something: do something next after completing the previous activity

(After explaining the origin of the artwork, he went on to talk about its value = He explained the origin, then talk about the value)

  • Something go on: continue to happen without stopping

(Despite how much pills he takes, the pain in his stomach goes on)


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