Một số Cụm động từ (Phrasal Verb) có chứa động từ Give và Take


Give in:

  • Cease fighting/arguing or admit defeat

(Realizing that any further effort would be inadequate, they dicided to give in)

  • Hand in/turn in (nộp)
  • Give in to something: allow something (usually a feeling/emotion) to control you

(Chocolate is her favourite, yet she didn’t give in to the temptation)

Give up:

  • Stop trying/making effort (bỏ cuộc)
  • Part with something that you would prefer to keep (từ bỏ 1 thứ gì đó)

Give off:

  • Emit (light/smell/heat…)

(The heat gave off by the furnace quickly dried his clothes)

Give away:

  • Reveal a secret (often accidentally)

(The fact that she is shaking gave away her fear)

  • Give something to someone for free

Give something back: return something



Take in:

  • Absorb or comprehend

(He was unable to take in that large amount of information in such a short time)

  • Include or encompass something

(Their territory takes in most streets of the town)

  • (Usually passive) trick or deceive someone into believing something

(Don’t be taken in by her promises, they’re all lies)

  • Allow someone to stay in a place when they are having difficulties

(They took the children in after their parents died)

  • Make a clothing item smaller or shorter

Take on:

  • Hire someone as an employe

(I was taken on as an apprentice)

  • Be willing to go against an opponent

(He is taking on an American fighter next week)

  • Acquire or start to exhibit a particular characteristic or quality

(Nanotechnology has taken on a new significance recently)

  • Take responsibility for something

Take to:

  • Adapt to; to learn, grasp or master
  • Begin doing something as a new habit or practice

Take out:

  • Remove something from something else

(He took all the groceries out of the bag)

  • Take someone out: invite someone out socially, especially on a date

(I finally get to take her out to the restaurant tonight)

Take up:

  • Start a new hobby or activity

(He took up football from the age of 9)

  • Occupy time/space/attention

(Sleeping takes up roughly one third of our lifetime)

Take off:

  • Remove something, usually clothes or accessories
  • To move up and out of something (a plane departing)

(Take your toys off of my table)

  • Become successful, to flourish

(His business finally took off after years of struggles)

  • Deduct a part from something

(They took 10% off my bill thanks to the discount)

Take after:

  • To have similarities with a family member

(He really takes after his mother)

Take back:

  • Retract an earlier statement

(She refused to take back the insult)

  • Regain posession of something
  • Resume a relationship with someone after separation

(He decided to not take his ex wife back)

Take down:

  • Remove something from a wall or a vertical surface
  • Write down something, usually spoken, as a note

(Remember to take down his phone number)

  • Lower an item of clothing without removing it

(The doctor told me to take down my trousers)

Take over (something): assume control of something

Take away:

  • Take something away (from someone): remove something and put it elsewhere (so that someone no longer possess it)

(“Spend your money wisely, or I’ll take it away from you”)

  • Take someone away: bring someone away from their home to an institution (prison or hospital)
  • Subtract from a number

Take for:

  • Take someone/something for someone/something: consider mistakenly

(Sorry, I took you for someone else)

  • Take something for granted: assume that something is true without questioning

(I will give the money back to you, take it for granted!)

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